Teen Opportunities

Grades 6th to 12th

First Christian Church has a Strick background check

requirement for all of our teachers and parents who work with our youth.

Teen Group

Every Wednesday Night at 6:00 PM we

meet at the church for a time of games,

snacks, fellowship, and Bible study.

Sunday School & Worship Service

Every Sunday at 9:15 Am we meet for Sunday School. These are classes available for all ages. After Sunday school our worship service begins at 10:30 AM.


There are many opportunities for our teens to volunteer. We need help with our VBS program every year, help with food drives, church booths, and fellowship meals at the church.

Camp & Other Special Events

First Christian Church partners with a local camp, Indian Lake Christian Camp. We offer scholarships for all of our students to help with the cost of attendance. Back-to-school celebrations, movie nights, Christmas parties, Christmas caroling, Easter egg hunts, Church trips, and more. Check out the FCC calendar for the dates.

Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:19


Youth Opportunities


Adult Opportunities